
《北朝鲜的致命独裁者》D9 朝鲜求生的必然

  • 影剧类型:纪录片
  • 纪录片类型:历史纪录片
  • 包装种类:其他
  • 存储介质:DVD

 Frontline: North Korea's Deadly Dictator As nuclear tensions between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un escalate, producer Jane McMullen examines claims the North Korean leader and his intelligence services ordered the assassination on Kim Jong Nam, and sheds light on his broader intentions - and nuclear capabilities. Drawing on interviews with a leading North Korean defector, diplomats, experts, Kim Jong-nam@s school friends and even a former North Korean secret agent, the documentary is a rare glimpse inside the secretive country - and an eye-opening look at both how King Jong-un thinks, and how he's trying to ensure his regime's survival and perpetuate his own power.


1 两条线 一个是杀金正男, 一个是用核武导弹和特朗普斗法
2 前一件事前几个月我翻译的'家戮'比这个详细
3 第二件事说清楚了朝鲜为啥不惜一切代价发展核武和导弹,和在啥情况下会使用
4 从外界看朝鲜的很多事很疯狂,而从内部看,也许是求生的必然